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A bunch of weird facts you didn’t know
I am currently reading a book, if you can call it that; anyway in reality it is a compilation of horrible but surprisingly interesting facts..check some of them out:
8 Common Symptoms of a Heart Attack in Women
8. Stomach Problems Some women reported feeling pain or pressure in their stomachs just before experiencing a heart attack. Other symptoms associated with a possible cardiac arrest can include nausea, indigestion and vomiting.
7 Common Yet Overlooked Symptoms Of Diabetes
Blurred Vision Or Even Vision Loss The rising blood glucose causes the lens to pull in water from the body and swell. This change in lens shape affects the eye’s ability to focus. This can be reversed with diabetes medicines. But as the blood vessels in the retina become weak and thin after years of…
Learn How To Make Legit Money From Home
We are living in a digital age where people are slowly moving away from the traditional way of doing things e.g. using social networks to stay in touch with their loved ones as opposed to always visiting them or watching movies online as opposed to watching them in cinemas . It’s not a secret any…
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Apples May Help Fight Obesity
A recent study carried out by the University of Iowa, USA revealed that Ursolic acid, a compound found in apple peels may have the ability to fight off obesity but before going any further, we shall first get to learn a bit about what Ursolic acid is all about to better understand how it aides…