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Exercise and setting goals: My journey to personal fitness ………Part 2
Wow! It’s been a while hasn’t it; anyway as I said in part one of this series is that I needed to seriously get in shape having gained a whooping 25 kilos in a matter of months. (If you are new here you can check out my first post on this series to get a…
Exercise and setting goals: My journey to personal fitness ………Part 1
I am an ardent exerciser myself and let me tell you that I have reaped the benefits of regular and consistent exercise. When I joined college some years back I had put on some considerable weight. I had just finished high school; having attended a boarding school let us just say that I never…
Running in the rain
As I have said before, I am quite the fitness freak. I have just confirmed this when I found myself heading out to run in the middle of a mini-storm. I actually did more than three kilometres despite the dripping track wear that made the whole experience even harder. The grass was wet and every…
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20 Cancer Causing Foods You’ve Probably Eaten Today!
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8 Common Symptoms of a Heart Attack in Women
2. Extreme or unusual Fatigue Unusual exhaustion is frequently reported in the weeks leading up to a cardiac arrest. Fatigue is also experienced right before the event occurs. Also, simple tasks that do not need much exertion can make one feel exhausted.