12 Foods And Drinks That Help With Bad Breath

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, is a common problem that can affect anyone at any age. It is estimated that about one in four people have bad breath.

Bad breath can result from poor oral hygiene, types of food you eat e.g. garlic, lifestyle e.g. drinking alcohol, oral infections or even taking certain types of medications.

But whatever the case, no one likes to have bad breath. The foods and drinks mentioned below can help anyone deal with their bad breath.



Some of the most common bad breath- fighting herbs include: parsley, cilantro, tarragon, spearmint, cinnamon, coriander, rosemary and pretty much any other herb that is rich in Chlorophyll. How do you take them? Chewing, sucking or using them to make tea, either will work.



Hydrogen-sulfide is a major culprit when it comes to mouth odor. Yogurt has been proven to be quite effective at reducing the presence of this compound in the mouth as well as fighting odor-causing bacteria by creating an unfavorable environment for them.  It is the Vitamin D in Yogurt that does the trick. Just make sure you avoid brands that contain lots of sugar.

Crunchy foods


A good number of fresh produce items that are crunchy work quite well in dealing with bad breath. Some of the best examples include apples, carrots, celery, just to mention a few. Consuming them stimulates the production of saliva which plays a key role in keeping the mouth fresh.



Popularly used as a remedy for stomach upsets, ginger is also quite effective at fighting halitosis. Simply chop up some ginger into small pieces and then add it to hot water containing a bit of lemon and use it to rinse your mouth.

Foods rich in Vitamin C


Vitamin C is well known to fight gum disease and gingivitis. It is also an essential weapon against bad breath as it makes it hard for odor-causing bacteria to thrive in the mouth. Some of the best sources of Vitamin C include oranges, lemon, peppers, and strawberries, etc. Sweetened citrus juices should be avoided because the added sugar creates a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive in the mouth.

Green tea


Unlike coffee which is notorious for causing bad breath, green tea has been proven to ward off mouth odor quite effectively. It does this by preventing halitosis-causing bacteria from adhering to the teeth.

Fennel seeds


In addition to aiding digestion, fennel seeds are quite effective at battling bad breath. These too stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth which washes off bacteria from the mouth. Fennel oil is also a natural antibacterial.



In addition to helping with saliva production, water can also be used to clean out bacteria from the mouth. It is important to make it a habit of gargling a bit of water after consuming food as this will clear out any particles that might have stuck on your teeth, tongue and throat.

Everything mint


Non-sweetened gum containing mint is also quite effective at battling halitosis. This is because it encourages the production of saliva. If the gum contains sugar then you will be well advised to stay away from it as it will prove counterproductive.

Fiber-rich crunchies


Crunchy foods high in fiber work very well to remove food particles and plaque that might be stuck on your teeth. In fact chewing on these can work similarly to brushing your teeth. Apples, walnuts and carrots are good examples.

Good old gum


Just because chewing gum leaves a pleasant taste in your mouth does not necessarily mean that your breath is pleasant as well. In most cases, this practice only offers a temporary fix. It is however quite effective at dislodging food particles from the teeth, it also assists in the production of saliva.



Volatile Sulfur Compounds (produced by bacteria) are what cause bad breath. Certain probiotics are capable of limiting the presence of these bacteria by alkalinizing the mouth e.g. yougurt, Kefir, Kimchi, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Sourdough bread, Miso and Tempeh, just to name a few.

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