7 Common Blogging Mistakes You Ought To Avoid

Blogging can be a very lucrative activity if properly done but there are some common blogging mistakes which often kill the dreams of many would be bloggers and the sad news is that most of the time, many of these bloggers (especially newbies) aren’t even aware that they are committing these common blogging mistakes leave alone any blogging mistake for that matter. Majority of them often give up even before they have a chance for a fair fight with the other big boys by thinking that they aren’t good enough instead of realizing that they are the ones making some common blogging mistakes.

I today therefore felt an urge to share with you guys what some of these common blogging mistakes are and how you can avoid them in order to have a fair chance at making it big online just like the others who’ve made it to the promised land.

7 Common Blogging Mistakes You Ought To Avoid

1. Using Too Many Big Words

Although some bloggers might think that using big words make them look like experts, the truth is that they are far from the truth and this is because not very many people would be thrilled to read a post that is fit for PHD holders and the like. People simply want to read content that can be easily understood so if you’ve been committing this crime it’s about time you started to use a friendly tome that is easily understood.

2. Failing To Use Subheadings

This happens to be one of the most common blogging mistakes. If you have ever visited a blog whose content was written using lengthy paragraphs then chances are that you left within a minute or two and this is because it’s human nature to avoid reading lengthy things as it translates into using energy (do the essays in school ring a bell?). Using subheadings within your article e.g. the H2, H3 and H4 tags, can be a great way to play on your readers psychology by making the post seem shorter and more appealing.

3. Failing To Implement SEO Techniques

Whether we like it or not, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is here to stay and taking it for granted can have severe effects on your blogs i.e. no traffic. It is therefore important that every blogger should know how to properly carry out On-Page optimization (e.g. using the H1, H2 and H3 tags, boldening, italicizing and underlining your keyword) and Off Page optimizations (e.g. building links and social media syndication)

4. Failing To Respond To Reader Comments

This is one of the most common blogging mistakes and I must admit I have fallen prey to this several times. I have however come to realize that replying to a comment when it’s still pending i.e. from your backend, is the best way to avoid making this common blogging mistake. Always remember that replying to comments is a good way of forming a healthy relationship with your readers.

5. Failing To Regularly Publish New Content

If you’re always complaining that your blog isn’t getting enough traffic then chances are that you don’t publish new posts on a regular basis. I have from experience noticed that publishing new content on a regular basis (mine is 6 times a week) is an effective strategy to grow a blogs traffic so if you feel that you need more traffic then maybe you should try blogging on a regular basis as failing to do so is making one of the most common blogging mistakes that can stagnate your blog’s growth.

6. Failing To Use Social Media To Syndicate Your Content

We are living in a digital era and not embracing social media as an avenue of sharing your content is one of those blogging mistakes that shouldn’t go unpunished (That’s why you’re not having as much traffic as you would like). I know that some may prefer to gamble on organic traffic alone but you would be surprised with how much targeted traffic social media can bring to your blog at the “push of a button”. I for one have in the past been a victim of relying on organic traffic alone but all this changed when I witnessed the power of social media so if you’re in need of some laser targeted traffic then maybe it’s time you also tried it (especially Twitter)

7. Failing To Self Educate Yourself

Let me begin by quoting Isaac Asimov who said that Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is”. His statement not only happens to be true for blogging but also for every other activity that you put your mind to. You see, no one has the answers to everything and so not seeking new and relevant information to your niche is the surest way to fail. You need to ensure that you are always up to date with the systems that the pros are using and the only way to do this is via self-educating yourself e.g. reading better performing blogs, buying digital products and the like.

Last Word On The Above Common Blogging Mistakes You Ought To Avoid

There are many other common blogging mistakes and if I were to list them all then you would be glued to your screen for a couple of more minutes so I’ll end it here for now assuming that my message has been delivered.

In the meantime, feel free to share your thoughts on the above “7 Common Blogging Mistakes“; I’d be delighted to read your awesome views!

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