Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur

I would be pulling your leg if I said there was one, two or even three reasons for becoming an internet entrepreneur and that’s because everyone has got their own set of reasons for becoming an internet entrepreneur and venturing into online entrepreneurship.

There are however those who for one reason or the other venture into online entrepreneurship with the sole purpose of being self-centered and with total disregard of other peoples interests.

These set of people often motivate themselves with the slogan, “The end justifies the means” and we shall today be focusing on a couple of selfish reasons for becoming an internet entrepreneur.

Let’s now look at what some of the “Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur” really are.

Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur #1: For Fame and

Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur
Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur


If you feel deep down in your heart that you were the ONLY one destined to have fame and fortune on your side but somehow feel that the heavens have denied you of your birthright, then feel free to indulge in online entrepreneurship so as to seek your crown of fame and fortune that has been kept away from you.

Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur #2:To Become A Demi god

If you desire to be “worshiped” by others who are not only looking for a way to make money online but are also struggling at it, then becoming an internet entrepreneur might just be the right thing for you.

If you choose to become a successful self-centered blogger, then I can with 100% certainty assure you that you’ll get countless comments from your faithful worshipers followers on how informative your void blog posts are and how they have really learned nothing a lot from it.

Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur #3: To Scam Others

You can strive to become an internet entrepreneur for the sole purpose of making a living from scamming others. This only requires you to be prepared to feel satisfied and content scamming people of their hard earned money rather than sweating it out for your own.

Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur #4: To Blow Your Own Trumpet

If you regularly visit blogs which are related to internet marketing, then chances are you’ve comes across bloggers who are always blowing their trumpets about how much MORE money they make than you.

This means that you can also work hard towards becoming an internet entrepreneur so that you can also blow your own trumpet though care should be taken not to blow it so hard such that you break it or you might not have another one to blow.

Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur #5: To Become A Drama Queen

It goes without saying that the bigger the audience, the more effective the drama action, and since the internet gives one an opportunity to interact with millions (if not billions) of people, then you should definitely think about becoming an internet entrepreneur (especially a blogger) especially if you’re a drummer queen or simply wish to become one.

This will give you a platform on which you could bore your audience with every minute detail that you feel makes your life more complicated e.g. how come your earphones are tangled together every time you take them out of your pocket when in the first place you neatly coiled them before placing them in your pocket.

Last Word On Becoming A Selfish Internet Entrepreneur

Let’s face it, nobody wants to be affiliated with an egocentric individual whose motives for becoming an internet entrepreneur are all self-centered.

People want to affiliate themselves with someone who they feel understands them and is out to GENUINELY help them overcome their various challenges rather than someone who is out to make a killing at their own expense.

My advice to any self-centered internet entrepreneur would be to give a second thought to their ulterior motives because “The main business of business is to connect with and add value to people” (Robin Sharma) and not to rip them off in terms of mediocre information or scamming them of their hard earned money.

If you’ve been ONLY thinking about your own well-being, then I suggest you style up and get your head back in the game!

A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them-John C. Maxwell

In our next post, we’ll look at a couple of the right reasons for becoming an internet entrepreneur but for now feel free to let me know what you think of the above “Selfish Reasons For Becoming An Internet Entrepreneur”; I’d love to hear from you!

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