Hope Vs Fear

Many people often forego living their lives in relation to their purpose simply because of something called fear which in most cases is accompanied by worry. They tend to look at how bad things can get if they do something instead of how good they can be.

Walking around thinking to yourself that life can’t get any worse than it already is is giving a kind gesture to all other misfortunes to come pay you a visit and when they come you’ll once again walk around thinking life can’t get any worse then you’ll invite other misfortunes once again and the cycle goes on and on.

I don’t know if you’ve ever watched a documentary called the Secret but for the benefit of those who haven’t, its theme is basically about thinking positive thoughts to attract good things in your life. Personally I don’t agree with everything they say but once thing I do concur with is that how we choose to look at situations greatly determines how we overcome then and subsequently our level of happiness and success in life.

You see, looking at things in a positive way even when they aren’t that pleasing sort of reprograms the mind into thinking out of the box which results in the formulation of a solution rather than fear and worry. The mind will always work with what you feed it with hence feeding it with fear and worry results in you seeing things as impossible and unbearable but feeding it with hope and a positive vibe results in you seeing a whole new world of possibilities.

The reality of matter is that situations may not always favor you but you can choose to have a favorable attitude towards them because at the day’s end; your attitude will always determine your altitude in life.

Fear and hope are only just projections of the mind but their overall effect greatly determines the quality of life that you live. You can choose to look at the hole or at the doughnut but nevertheless, you and you alone will be the one bearing the price of your thoughts.

“Fear And Worry And Interest Paid In Advance On Something You May Never Own” (John L. Mason)

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