A bunch of weird facts you didn’t know

I am currently reading a book, if you can call it that; anyway in reality it is a compilation of horrible
but surprisingly interesting facts..check some of them out:

1.A beef tapeworm, caught from eating eggs in
infected beef, can grow to 12 metres (39 feet)
long in the human gut.

2.Girls who made matches in the 1800s often suffered from
‘phossy jaw’ – their jaw bones would rot away, poisoned
by the phosphorus used to make the matches.

3.You go white when really
scared because blood drains
from your skin.This protected
primitive humans from
bleeding to death if bitten
by scary, wild animals.

4.Your body needs sleep.
Staying awake for two
weeks can be enough
to kill you.

5.Your body needs sleep.
Staying awake for two
weeks can be enough
to kill you. (yikes!)

6.Dust mites are found in all houses. They eat the dead
skin we shed all the time, and live in beds, carpets, rugs
and anywhere else snug which collects flakes of skin.

7.The Binderwur tribe in India used to kill and eat sick and old
people to please their goddess Kali.(what were you saying about Africa again?)

8.When you die, the bacteria in your
gut start to eat away at you from
the inside.

9.The bot fly lays its eggs on a mosquito,
and they hatch when the mosquito
bites someone.The maggot grows for
six weeks in a lump under the persons’
skin called a warble until it pops out
when it’s fully grown.

10.When you sneeze, all your body functions
stop – even your heart stops beating.
A very long sneezing fit can cause a
heart attack.

I will be posting more of these horrible facts in due time so do come again

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  1. would have been better if i had found your website before, because i need to know about this subject, but it’s always good to learn something new.

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