Top 100 Global Brands

Today on our  top list, we are going to look at the top 100 most successful and profitable global brands as of 2012. We used Brandz to come up with the list of the top 100 brands which have managed to pull together an astonishing net worth of $2.4 trillion!

One of the most impressive things this year as compared to the rest is that we finally have an African brand; MTN competing against the other global brands and I would say this is a good sign from the African market that the light at the end of the tunnel is just an arm’s reach away.

BrandZ is primarily an evaluation tool which measures the value and strength of brands and unlike other measuring tools, BrandZ actually lets customers have a say in its reports. The reports are validated against actual in-market performance and they give a good assessment of the value that customers have with one brand as compared to another.

The Most Valuable Global Brands 2012

Rank 2011 Rank change Rank 2012 Category Brand Brand Value 2012 ($M)
 1 0 1 Tech Apple 182,951
 2 1 2 Tech IBM 155,985
 3 -1 3 Tech Google 107, 857
 4 0 4 Fast Food McDonald’s 95,188
 5 0 5 Tech Microsoft 76,651
 6 0 6 Soft drinks Coca-Cola 74,286
 8 7 7 Tobacco Marlboro 73,612
 7 8 8 Communication Provide AT&T 68,870
13 9 9 Communication Provider Verizon 49,151
 9 10 10 Communication Provider China Mobile  47,041


Ranking Brand Brand Value
55 Sinopec 13,940
60 Commonwealth Bank         13,083
69 Moutai   11,838
71 Airtel 11,531
88 MTN               9,273
89 IKEA 9,206
91 KFC 8,852
93 Chevron 8,599
96 Volkswagen 8,519
99 State Farm            7,813
100 DHL 7,601                 

                                                     Highest Gainers

Brand     %Brand value ($M)        Brand Value Growth (%)
Facebook   33,233                74
Hermes     19,161                   61
Master Card              20,759                 53
Ralph Lauren             5,086                    51
Starbucks 17,072                   43
Clinique  3418 43
Rolex 7171                          36
Visa 38,284                  34
Hugo Boss                3,257                      33
The Home Depot           12,968              31







Here is the entire list of the Top 100 Brands in 2012 (open in a new tab)

The below were some of the key notable findings by BrandZ.

  1. Technology Prevails: Technology has become ubiquitous in all areas of our lives. Seven of the top 10 brands are technology or telecoms brands. However, the power of smart, simple-to-use technology can also be seen beyond these two sectors. In other categories –cars, financial services, luxury and retail for example – we can also see that brands are gaining significant advantages by using smart technology to enhance their customer experience. For example, Burberry – up 21% to $4 billion – created a virtual world where younger brand followers can view fashion shows and more.
  2. The Rise of Africa:  This year’s ranking highlights the progress of Africa’s economic development with the arrival of the first African brand in the Top 100 – South African mobile company MTN – No 88 at $9.2 billion. But it’s not just African brands that are thriving south of the Sahara. Around 40% of Guinness’ sales come from Africa, Airtel’s third quarter results showed a 16% increase in revenue in Africa. Similarly, Orange enjoyed rapid growth in Africa in 2011, while Walmart invested there with the acquisition of Massmart.
  3. The Future is Mobile: The future of the internet will be predominantly mobile rather than computer based. Mobile, to some extent, has been shielded from the recession as one of the few items consumers’ don’t want to give up or cut back on. The most valuable telecoms brand is AT&T worth $68.8 billion. Whilst the USA‟s largest mobile service provider, Verizon, increased its brand value by 15% in the last year and is now worth $49.1 billion.
  4. Retail: Constructing an Omni-Channel Business: The customer experience is a new focus for many retailers as they recognize its importance in keeping customers loyal and the need to be present anywhere and everywhere on the path to purchase. Walmart knocked Amazon from the top position and its brand is now worth $34.4 billion whilst Amazon is now worth $34 billion.
  5. Brands with Women on the Board Outperform: As the number of women on corporate boards continues to rise, the BrandZ Top100 study this year reveals the success that women bring to brands. 77% of the brands appearing in the BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands have women in the boardroom. The average value of brands with women on the boards is $27 billion; double that of those companies without female directors. Not only that, these brands also show an average five-year growth of 66% compared to an average growth of only 6% for those BrandZ Top100 brands that don’t have a woman on the board.
  6. Strong Brands Provide Better Shareholder Value: An analysis of BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands as a „stock portfolio‟ over the last seven years shows a highly favorable performance compared to a current stock market index, the S&P500. While the total return on investment (ROI) for all companies in the S&P500 index was just 2.3%, the BrandZ Portfolio provided a 36.3% ROI, proving that companies with strong brands are able to deliver better value to their shareholders.




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