7 Rock Solid Ways To Generate Business Ideas
If you’ve been struggling to come up with business ideas, then say goodbye to all that stress because we shall today be looking at some of the “Rock Solid” ways in which aspiring entrepreneurs (both young and old) can generate business ideas in order to come up with the one business idea or set of business ideas that will see them hit a home run.
Rock Solid Ways To Generate Business Ideas #1: Become Mad
I know the “Become Mad” title sounds a little bit off key but what I mean is that you list all the things that make you mad on a day to day basis then try to come up with lasting solutions e.g. is it the toothbrush you use, a social media site that you see is “wanting” or a certain consumer product?
You can in the end be amazed at how you can easily arrive at a “million dollar” business idea just by listing some of the things that piss you off.
Rock Solid Ways To Generate Business Ideas #2: Mass Media

Mass media can also be a great way to come up with concrete business ideas and some of the common mass media channels that one can use include:
- Television
- Radio
- The Internet-This encompasses blogs, websites etc.
- Mobile
Rock Solid Ways To Generate Business Ideas #3: Print Media
The other media branch that one can use to come up with great business ideas is print media so if you don’t like reading much then I’d suggest you start befriending your eyes with lots of literature cause it can in the end pay you back in ways you’ve never dreamed of.
The common sources of print media include:
- Magazines
- Newspaper
- Books etc.
Rock Solid Ways To Generate Business Ideas #4: Observation
This happens to be my favorite way of coming up with business ideas and what it essentially involves is keenly looking at your environment for existing “gaps” which you can exploit e.g. If you notice that a particular product in the market doesn’t meet the needs of consumers, then you can come up with your own “hybrid product” which meets those specific needs.
Rock Solid Ways To Generate Business Ideas #:5 Shows/Exhibits/Retreats/Gatherings

Another great way to come up with workable business ideas is by attending shows, exhibits, retreats and even public gatherings which are related with your school of thought and in which you’re certain you’ll meet like-minded people.
Rock Solid Ways To Generate Business Ideas #6: Interacting With Other Entrepreneurs
This happens to be perhaps the best way to come up with great business ideas and this is because talking with other entrepreneurs (especially veterans) sort of opens your mind up to a whole new world of thinking and possibilities e.g. Famous business mogul John D. Rockefeller is quoted as having said “I have ways of making money that you know nothing of”.
Rock Solid Ways To Generate Business Ideas #7: Brainstorming
The final way of generating business ideas that we shall be looking at in today post involves going the good old fashioned way and brainstorming on ideas which you believe have the potential to be transformed into effective business models.
Last Word On How To Generate Business Ideas
As opposed to how many people think, it’s actually pretty easy to generate business ideas as all you need is to have an open mind which is keen on the activities happening around your various environments i.e. internal environment (e.g. your interest) and your external environment (e.g. gaps that exists in the market).
In the end, irrespective of whichever way you generate business ideas to arrive at “The Next Big Thing”, you need to ensure that the idea can be implemented and most importantly, that it can help in transforming the lives of others.
As always, feel free to share what your thoughts are on how to generate business ideas; I’d certainly love to hear from you!