The Truth About Marilyn Monroe Eye Color

Marilyn Monroe eye color has been a subject of debate for many years.

Some people believe that Marilyn Monroe eye color was blue, while others believe that they were brown.

In this post, we will take a look at Marilyn Monroe eye color and lay bare the truth once and for all.

What Was Marilyn Monroe Eye Color?

Marilyn Monroe Eye Color – The Evidence of Blue Eyes

There is some evidence to suggest that Marilyn Monroe eye color was blue.

For example, her sister, Berniece Baker Miracle, wrote in her autobiography that Monroe’s eyes were “blue like our mother’s.”

Additionally, Marilyn Monroe’s autopsy report lists her eye color as “blue.”

Marilyn Monroe Eye Color – The Evidence of Brown Eyes

There is also some evidence to suggest that Marilyn Monroe eye color was brown.

For example, in some photographs, her eyes appear to be a darker shade of blue or green.

Additionally, Monroe was known to wear colored contact lenses which could have made her eyes appear darker in some photos.

Marilyn Monroe Eye Color – The Possibility of Hazel Eyes

It is also possible that Marilyn Monroe eye color was hazel.

Hazel eyes are a mix of brown and green, and can appear to change color depending on the lighting.

In some photos, Marilyn Monroe eye color appears to have a hazel tint.

Here are a couple of pictures of Marilyn Monroe eye color.

Pictures of Marilyn Monroe Eye Color

Marilyn Monroe Eye Color – The Influence of Lighting and Makeup

Marilyn Monroe was often photographed with heavy makeup which could enhance the blue or green tones in her eyes.

In addition, the lighting used in photo shoots could also affect how Marilyn Monroe eye color appeared on camera.

Bright lights could make Marilyn Monroe eye color appear blue while softer lighting could bring out the green tones.

Marilyn Monroe Eye Color: Personal Accounts of Her Eye Color

Many people who knew her personally have also shared their accounts of Marilyn Monroe eye color.

For example, her close friend and photographer Milton Greene once described her eyes as “a soft, dreamy, languorous blue-green-gray that seems to change with every nuance of feeling.”

Similarly, makeup artist Whitey Snyder, who worked with her on many of her films, said that Marilyn Monroe eye color was “sort of a grayish blue-green.”

He also noted that Marilyn Monroe’s eyes would change color depending on her mood or what she was wearing.

Conclusion on Marilyn Monroe Eye Color

Ultimately, there is no way to know for sure what Marilyn Monroe eye color was.

The evidence is inconclusive as Monroe herself never spoke publicly about her eye color.

However, the evidence that does exist suggests that Marilyn Monroe eye color was most likely blue.

It’s evident that Marilyn Monroe eye color was one of her most striking features and it helped to make her one of the most iconic actresses of all time.

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