Find Out Tyreek Hill Height And Weight Here (Verified!)

If you’re wondering about Tyreek Hill height and weight, you’re in luck because we have the information you need.

We noticed an interest among his fans for information such as “Tyreek Hill height,” “how tall is Tyreek Hill,” and “Tyreek Hill weight,” so we decided to do some investigation to find out what Tyreek Hill height and weight are.

From our findings, Tyreek Hill height is roughly 5′ 10″ (5 feet 10 inches), while Tyreek Hill weight is estimated to be around 191 lbs (pounds).

Tyreek Hill Height and Weight Breakdown in Other Measurements

Tyreek Hill height and weight. How tall is Tyreek Hill. Tyreek Hill weight

Tyreek Hill height in feet and inches is 5′ 10″ (5 feet 10 inches)

Tyreek Hill height in cm is 178 cm

Tyreek Hill height in meters is 1.78 meters

Tyreek Hill weight in pounds is around 191 lbs (pounds)

Tyreek Hill weight in kg is around 87 kg

Here are some things worth noting regarding how we got Tyreek Hill height and weight.

Tyreek Hill Height and Weight: How We Got Tyreek Hill Height

We got Tyreek Hill height to be 5′ 10″ (178 cm/1.78 meters) from his NFL profile.

To ensure we had the right figure for Tyreek Hill height, we also took a look at a couple of authoritative and credible sites which also confirmed that Tyreek Hill height is indeed 5 feet 10 inches.

For example, Wikipedia also listsTyreek Hill height as being 5′ 10″ (5 feet 10 inches).

Fun fact: Tyreek Hill height of 5 feet 10 inches is 3 inches taller compared to the average height of adult men in the world, which is approximately 5 feet 7 inches, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Tyreek Hill Height and Weight: How We Got Tyreek Hill Weight

We also got Tyreek Hill weight from his NFL profile that lists him as being 191 lbs (87 kg).

We also verified Tyreek Hill weight with other credible sources and found that they agreed his weight is indeed 191 pounds.

E.g. Wikipedia listsTyreek Hill weight as being 191 lbs (87 kg).

It’s good to clarify that Tyreek Hill weight is not fixed as it can fluctuate over time due to a variety of factors such as his genes, age and lifestyle habits, for example, diet and exercise.

On the contrary, Tyreek Hill height is unlikely to change as he has already reached adulthood and is not expected to grow any taller.

Now that you know how we got Tyreek Hill height and weight, let’s take a look at who he is.

Tyreek Hill Height and Weight: Who Is He?

Tyreek Hill height and weight. How tall is Tyreek Hill, Tyreek Hill weightTyreek Hill is a professional American football player who was born on March 1, 1994, in Lauderhill, Florida.

He attended Coffee High School in Douglas, Georgia, and later went on to play college football at Garden City Community College and Oklahoma State University.

Hill is known for his exceptional speed and agility on the field, and he has played as a wide receiver and a return specialist for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL) since 2016.

He has earned numerous accolades throughout his career including Pro Bowl selections, All-Pro honors and being named to the NFL 2010s All-Decade Team.

However, Hill has also been involved in several off-field controversies throughout his career, including a domestic violence incident in 2014 and accusations of child abuse in 2019, though he was not charged in either case.

We hope we’ve answered your questions on “how tall is Tyreek Hill”, “Tyreek Hill height” and “Tyreek Hill weight”.

Please let us know if there’s any additional information you believe should be added to Tyreek Hill height and weight.

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