20 Cancer Causing Foods You’ve Probably Eaten Today!

Smoked Meats And Barbecue


Smoked meats are almost an inevitable part of celebrations and feasts. However, in the process of smoking, they absorb large amounts of tar, which is a well known carcinogen. Other than that, bacon, ham, sausage and other meats of this sort are also high in salt. A frequent consumption of smoked meats has been statistically linked to the development of bowel cancer in the research presented by Fritz,W, and Soos, K (1980).

When barbecuing foods in such a way that makes them burnt on the outside, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are formed. Aromatic hydrocarbons are dangerous chemicals that, according to Cancer Research UK, help cause cancer. However, this is only an assumption that has not yet been proven, so there is no base for convincing people to stop preparing barbecue.

Recommended daily consumption. As for these types of food, there isn’t really a recommended amount or a prescribed limit, but pay attention to your recommended daily calorie intake. Two to three slices (200-300 grams) of meat per day should be enough to keep you full and not affect your health.

Farmed Salmon


We are often told that fish is maybe the healthiest food there is. This is true. However, this excludes the farmed fish, specifically salmon, since it is fed with chemicals, and other cancer-causing substances.

The Harvard Medical School argues that PCB (oily synthetic chemical added to paint, plastic, etc) that is found in farmed salmon probably causes cancer (it has not been proven), and their research showed that babies whose mothers were exposed to high levels of PCBs during the pregnancy are at greater risk of having neurological and developmental problems.

Besides PCB’s, farmed salmon also contains high levels of mercury, which has been proven to cause kidney tumors in mice (according to the research conducted by EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). There is no evidence of mercury causing cancer in humans, but not much research has been conducted to prove it. When buying salmon, make sure that it is labeled as wild salmon. If it is not labeled at all, it is probably the farmed one.

Recommended daily consumption. If you do end up eating farmed salmon, make sure you don’t eat it more than 3 times per month and no more than 227 grams per meal (about two medium sized salmon fillets).



GMOs are genetically modified organisms, whose growth and look is achieved with the use of chemicals. The sad fact is that many foods these days are GMO, and the food declarations do not state this. The foods that are most probably always GMO are wheat, corn, almost all grains, soybeans, etc.

Dr. Pusztai from Scotland conducted a research, where rats were fed with GMO potatoes. This proved to be damaging to all the rats, as there was damage to their immune systems, brains and livers, along with the growth of pre-cancerous cells. However, this study included rats, and not humans, and we cannot be sure of the influence GMO products have on the human organism. Still, even if we are not sure that it is damaging, we should be careful with the amounts and the frequency when eating this type of food.

Recommended daily consumption. There really is none and it has proven difficult to estimate how much of GMOs do we consume daily. However, it must be noted that some estimates have been made that the average American consumes nearly 200 pounds of GMOs per year, according to the Environmental Working Group. This is something that we all need to worry about and that we must consider next time when we go grocery shopping.

Microwave Popcorn


Microwave popcorn is usually bought in supermarkets, in a convenient bag. These bags contain a toxin called PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) that is connected with infertility in women.

According to studies conducted by American Cancer Society , exposure to PFOA increases the risk of bladder, testicular and kidney cancers. This toxin is also contained in Teflon, so we need to be very careful when using Teflon coated pans (if the pan is damaged, don’t use it).

Propyl gallate is a preservative that can cause skin and stomach problems, while a chemical called diacetyl can cause lung diseases. This chemical is added to packaged popcorn, and it can also be found in small amounts in butter, cheese, milk, cookies, etc.

You can find more information about diacetyl on this website.

Recommended daily consumption. If after reading this you decide to go with microwave popcorn anyway, make sure that your popcorn intake makes less than 4% of your daily food consumption (a limit suggested by the FDA), and don’t eat more than one portion (around 35 grams).

Refined Flour


Refined flour is very high in carbohydrates, and eating foods that are made with this flour, you are probably consuming a much higher quantity of carbohydrates than your body actually needs. This type of flour has a high glycemic index, and it spikes the blood sugar levels, which has been connected with the growth of cancer cells.

One of the many studies that support this claim was conducted in Canada, as the Oregon State University reports (link), and showed that postmenopausal women eating high glycemic foods on a regular basis were at increased risk of breast cancer, especially those who were not physically active.

Recommended daily consumption. It is hard to say just how much refined flour is the right amount, because it is combined with other types of food. But bear in mind that a daily dose of carbohydrates should not exceed 300grams for an average adult (100g of this flower contains 70g of carbs) as Daily Intake Guide suggests, and do the math.

Refined Sugar


Foods that are rich in refined sugar are sweets (such as candies, cake, lollipops, etc), fruit flavored drinks, many types of cereal, processed foods (such as ketchup or salad dressings), etc.

In 1931, Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize in medicine, discovered that refined sugars help the growth of cancer cells, as they feed on sugar. Since the foods that are full of refined sugars are very popular, and consumed daily by many people, it is no wonder that so many people are developing some kind of cancer. (link)

Recommended daily consumption. American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that the maximum amount of sugar you should eat in a day is 37.5 grams (9 teaspoons) for men, and 25 grams (6 teaspoons) for women. However, eating less or giving it up completely is a recommendation to be seriously considered.

Artificial Sweeteners


People usually use artificial sweeteners instead of refined sugars when they want to lose weight, or if they are diabetic. The most famous type of artificial sweeteners is aspartame, and the chemicals used to make it are very harmful to our bodies.

When we consume aspartame in our drinks or foods, DKP (a deadly toxin) is resolved in our stomachs, which causes the production of chemicals in the organism that increase the risk of brain tumor. FDA (Food and Drug Administration,) conducted a research in 1996, which showed that there was an increase in brain tumors between 1975 and 1992, which was associated with the introduction and use of artificial sweeteners in the U.S.

Since these artificial sweeteners are much lower in calories than refined sugars, people believe that they don’t need to limit their intake. Unfortunately, we cannot enjoy this sweetness in unlimited amounts without any consequences. However, consuming them in limited amounts once in a while shouldn’t be a problem.

Recommended daily consumption. You can read about safe amounts of daily consumption of most types of sweeteners, suggested by FDA, on this link.

Diet Foods


Diet foods often include labels such as “low fat” or “diet”, such as diet carbonated drinks which include aspartame (whose dangers have been discussed above), diet dairy or meat products, etc.

According to Cancer Research UK, diet foods are packed with salt, and taking in too much salt can lead to risk of stomach cancer, because it damages the lining of the stomach, making it more sensitive to carcinogens such as nitrates. They also claim that salt could interact with Helicobacter pylori (a stomach bug), which can cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.

There isn’t much proof that this type of food causes cancer, but all the chemicals that we take in when eating or drinking these diet products cannot be good for our health, if we consume them regularly.



If we drink a large amount of soda at once, we cause our blood sugar to spike which leads to insulin resistance. People who drink too much soda on a daily basis consume much more sugar than recommended, which leads to quick weight gain and even obesity, and, according to the National Cancer Institute, obesity is closely connected to increasing risks of many cancer types, including esophagus, pancreas, colon and rectum, thyroid, kidney, etc. (link)

Recommended daily consumption. Having one soda won’t damage our organisms, but we need to be careful about how often we are drinking it and try to at least limit the amount to a maximum of one or two sodas per day, if we cannot give it up completely.



According to a review done by Cancer Research UK, 4% of cancers are linked to alcohol. Alcohol has been shown to be the cause of many types of cancer, including mouth, liver, breast, bowel and throat cancers. (link)

According to the American Cancer Society, the risk of cancer increases with the amount of alcohol consumed. They also state that drinking and smoking together brings a much higher cancer risk than just drinking, or just smoking, because alcohol slows down the reparation of the cells in the digestive tract, and limits their ability to repair the damage that chemicals in tobacco cause in their DNA.

American Cancer Society also links long-term alcohol use to an increased risk of liver cancer, since heavy alcohol use damages the liver, and when this happens regularly, it raises the risk of liver cancer. According to the Cancer Research UK, women who have up to two drinks a day are in a slightly greater risk of developing cancer than those who don’t drink at all.

Recommended limit of consumption. According to Patient.co.uk, a recommended safe limit for alcohol is up to 4 units (not much more than one beer) per day for men and up to 2 for women (no more than a standard glass of wine), which translates into a maximum of 21 units for men and 14 for women on a weekly basis.

Non-Organic Fruits


Now, you are probably annoyed and thinking “Who can afford eating organic fruit all the time?” However, you need to have in mind that non-organic fruits contain dangerous pesticides that are very harmful to our organism.

These pesticides, such as atrazine and organophospates are added to kill the insects that would eat those fruits. However, they are not harmless to humans, and they can cause reproductive problems. There is no firm evidence that non-organic fruits definitely cause cancer, but they do cause health problems, so it is better to be careful, than to be sorry later.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) made a list of the fruits that are most often contaminated with pesticides, some of which are apples, grapes, nectarines, peaches, etc.

Canned Foods


What makes canned foods a health hazard is actually the lining on the can, which contains a harmful chemical called BPA (or bisphenol-A). BPA has been shown to influence the genes in the brain of rats, and even though there is no significant research conducted on humans, the fact that FDA (Food and Drug Administration) insists on minimizing the amount of BPA in canned foods should be enough to convince us that it is harmful.

Out of all canned foods, tomatoes seem to be the most dangerous, because of their level of acidity which ‘melts’ the BPA from the can lining causing it to mix with the tomatoes and making them toxic. This can be very dangerous, and it is better to stay away from canned food if possible, or at least look for those that are labeled as BPA free.

Potato Chips

Potato Chips close up shot

Potato chips have a high glycemic index, which makes them a health hazard. This snack is fatty, very salty, and one bag contains enough calories for one whole meal (or more). Besides these threatening factors, there are also preservatives, artificial aromas added to improve the taste, and preservatives to keep it ‘fresh’.  In the frying process, a carcinogen called acrylamide (also found in cigarettes) is created due to the high temperatures.

Recommended daily consumption.  According to the American Cancer Society, the levels of acrylamide in potato chips can vary depending on the manufacturer, the duration and method of cooking and the temperature of the cooking process. Since potato chips are extremely unhealthy, there is no recommended amount. However, if you do chose to eat it, try not to have more than one portion (28g).

French Fries


Similarly to potato chips, French fries also contain high levels of aclylamide that is released in the process of frying and which is said to be a probable cause of cancer. Other than that, it is high in fat and carbohydrates, increases the risk of obesity which leads to an increased risk of cancer.

When making French fries at home, there are some methods that may lower the levels of arylamide in the final product. The American Cancer Society stresses that these levels are the highest in potatoes that are fried (in comparison to roasted, baked or boiled). They recommend soaking raw potato slices in water for about half an hour before frying (of course, you should drain the potatoes before putting them into hot oil). By doing this, you significantly reduce the level of acrylamide in your French fries, thus making them a lot healthier and safer to eat.

Recommended daily consumption. If you give in to temptation and happen to stop by McDonalds with your friends and order their tasty French fries, try not to overeat and stick to one portion (around 117g).

Hydrogenated Oils


These are vegetable oils that are often colored to look appealing to buyers. They are high in Omega-6 fatty acids which can cause skin cancer if consummated in excess amounts. These oils also affect the flexibility of our cell membranes which can also lead to cancer.

The fact that the World Health Organization tried to ban the use of hydrogenated oils proves that they are not healthy. We have been told that these oils are healthier than, for example, butter, but it seems that this is not quite true. According to Mike Adams, the author of “Poison in the Food: Hydrogenated Oils”, hydrogenated oils, besides causing breast, colon and prostate cancers, also cause birth defects, liver and heart diseases and damage of the brain cells. You can lower the risk by buying natural butter or virgin oils instead of hydrogenated oils.

Highly Salted Foods


Foods high in nitrates play an important part in preserving food. They do not directly cause cancer, but they release a chemical called N-nitroso into our body during the process of digestion, and this chemical is linked with the risk of cancer development.

The research conducted on Japanese immigrants in the U.S. and Brazil, showed a close link of gastric cancer with the high intake of salt and salty food. The author of this research, (Tsugane, S., 2005) noticed that salted food intake is likely to increase the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection, which promotes the development of gastric cancer.

Don’t let these facts scare you too much. Salt is healthy in normal doses, and according to the Institute of Medicine the adequate intake level of sodium is 1500mg (1/2 teaspoon of salt) per day, and it should not exceed the amount of 2300mg (3/4 teaspoon of salt) per day.

Milk And Dairy Products


According to Cancer Research UK, proteins contained in dairy products may increase the risk of prostate and ovarian cancers. They also believe that there might be a connection between the development of breast cancer and dairy products, mostly because of the types of dairy fats, or possible contaminants that are sometimes present in these products.

However, there is no evidence for any of these claims, and there are even some conflicting claims that suggest that milk doesn’t increase, but decrease the risk of breast cancer. Since none of this has been proven, it remains unclear if milk and dairy products are harmful or beneficial for our health. However, Cancer Research UK states that milk has been shown to help decrease bowel cancer risk, due to its levels of calcium.

In order to find out more about the influence of milk and other dairy products on our organism, further research needs to be conducted, and EPIC (The European Prospective Investigation of Cancer) is currently working on discovering the connection between nutrition and cancer, and hopefully the mystery of milk will soon be revealed.

Recommended daily consumption. According to the Dairy Council, one glass of milk is a safe daily amount of dairy and it can provide important nutrients that we need throughout the day.

Fermented Foods

These include pickled fish, pickled vegetables, fermented milk, etc. Fermentation is a convenient way of preserving foods for later use, and it decreases the risk of development of pathogenic microorganisms. There are many benefits of food fermentation. One of the major reasons why people like fermented foods is the diversity of flavors and aromas. Another benefit of these products is that they are often enriched with protein, amino acids and vitamins which sometimes make them more nutritious than the same types of food before the fermentation process. Fermented foods, particularly yoghurt and fermented milk, also have a probiotic effect, as they balance the number of useful bacteria in your intestines.

Even though there are many advantages of eating fermented foods, there are also some health concerns that need to be mentioned. Namely, according to a research conducted by Johanna W. Lampe at the Cancer Research Center in Seattle, some components of fermented foods increase the risk of certain types of cancer, one of those components being N-nitroso compounds that are found in pickled vegetables and fish. (link)

A study published in Cancer Science in 2011 provided a report that showed that fermented soy products when eaten on a regular basis and in large amounts can lead to a greater risk of developing gastric cancer. But on the other hand, the same soy, before undergoing the fermentation process and eaten in controlled amounts can be beneficial in reducing the same type of cancer.

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