The Ultimate African Cichlids Guide

African cichlids are a diverse group of freshwater fish that are native to Africa’s Rift Valley lakes, including Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria.

They are known for their striking colours, interesting behaviours and adaptability to a wide range of aquatic environments.

There are many different species of African cichlids, each with its own unique characteristics and requirements.

Some of these fish are small and territorial, while others are larger and more peaceful.

They come in a wide range of colours, including blues, yellows, oranges, reds, and greens, making them a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts.

They are omnivorous and typically feed on a variety of foods, including small invertebrates, algae, and plant matter.

They have adapted to a range of aquatic environments, from rocky shorelines to sandy bottoms, and can thrive in both freshwater and brackish water conditions.

In the wild, African cichlids form complex social structures and hierarchies, with dominant individuals controlling territory and mating opportunities.

They are also known for their interesting behaviours such as courtship dances, aggressive displays, and parental care of their young.

African cichlids are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colours, interesting behaviours and ease of care.

They can be kept in a variety of aquarium setups from small tanks to large community tanks.

However, it is important to research the specific species of African cichlid you are interested in and their specific requirements before bringing them home.

With proper care and attention, African cichlids can provide years of enjoyment for aquarium enthusiasts.

What Are African Peacock Cichlids?

African peacock cichlids

African peacock cichlids are a group of cichlid fish that are native to Lake Malawi in East Africa.

They are known for their vibrant and iridescent colours, which resemble the feathers of peacocks.

African peacock cichlids belong to the genus Aulonocara and are also sometimes referred to as “Peacock Cichlids” or “Aulonocara Cichlids”.

There are many different species and colour variants of African peacock cichlids, with colours ranging from blues and purples to oranges, yellows, and reds.

African peacock cichlids are generally peaceful fish and are popular aquarium fish due to their striking colours and ease of care.

They typically grow to be around 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in length and require an aquarium of at least 55 gallons (208 litres) with plenty of hiding places and areas for them to establish their territories.

It’s important to research the specific species of African peacock cichlid you are interested in keeping to ensure you can provide them with the appropriate care and environment.

Types Of African Cichlids


Types Of African Cichlids

There are many different types of African cichlids, but some of the most common ones include:

  1. Lake Malawi cichlids

These are colourful and active fish found in Lake Malawi in East Africa.

They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, and are known for their vibrant hues and striking patterns.

  1. Lake Tanganyika cichlids

These fish are found in Lake Tanganyika in East Africa and are known for their unique body shapes and behaviours.

They are often less colourful than Lake Malawi cichlids but are still fascinating to watch.

  1. West African cichlids

These fish are found in the rivers and streams of West Africa and are known for their hardiness and adaptability.

They come in a variety of sizes and colours but are generally less colourful than their East African counterparts.

  1. Madagascar cichlids

These fish are found in the rivers and lakes of Madagascar and are known for their unique patterns and shapes.

They are less commonly kept in aquariums than other types of African cichlids.

  1. Victoria cichlids

These fish are found in Lake Victoria in East Africa and are known for their impressive size and striking colours.

They are often more aggressive than other types of African cichlids and require careful management in aquariums.

What Are Dwarf African Cichlids?

Dwarf African cichlids

Dwarf African cichlids are a group of small-sized cichlids that are found primarily in West and Central Africa.

These fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colours, interesting behaviours and small size, making them suitable for smaller aquariums.

Some of the most popular species of dwarf African cichlids include:

  • Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
  • Electric blue cichlid (Sciaenochromis fryeri)
  • German blue ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
  • Cockatoo cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides)
  • Congo tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus)

These fish typically reach sizes of 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) in length and can be kept in aquariums as small as 20 gallons (76 litres), depending on the number of fish being kept.

Dwarf African cichlids are known for their interesting behaviours such as courtship rituals and parental care and they require specific water parameters and conditions to thrive.

It’s important to research the specific species of dwarf African cichlid being kept to ensure that their needs are being met in terms of water quality, diet and habitat requirements.

African Cichlids Size – How Big Do African Cichlids Get?

Their sizes vary depending on the species.

Some species, like the electric yellow cichlid (Labidochromis caeruleus), only grow to be about 4-5 inches (10-13 cm) in length, while other species, like the frontosa cichlid (Cyphotilapia frontosa), can grow to be up to 15-18 inches (38-46 cm) in length.

In general, most African cichlids that are kept in aquariums will reach a size of 4-8 inches (10-20 cm) in length, with some species growing larger.

It’s important to research the specific species of African cichlid you are interested in keeping to understand how large they will grow and how much space they will need in your aquarium.

It’s also important to note that they are often very active and can be territorial, so they need plenty of space to swim and establish their own territories in the aquarium.

A general rule of thumb is to provide a minimum of 55 gallons (208 litres) of water per adult cichlid, but larger species and those with more aggressive personalities may require even more space.

African Cichlids Lifespan – How Long Do African Cichlids Live?

The lifespan of African cichlids varies depending on the species but on average they can live between 5-10 years in captivity.

With proper care and a healthy diet, some African cichlids have been known to live even longer.

Factors that can impact the lifespan of these fish include genetics, water quality, diet, and the overall health of the fish.

One species of African cichlid that is known for its long lifespan is the frontosa cichlid (Cyphotilapia frontosa) which can live up to 20 years in captivity with proper care.

Another species that has been known to live a long time is the Livingston’s cichlid (Nimbochromis livingstonii) which can also live up to 20 years.

Providing a suitable environment with proper water parameters and regular maintenance can help ensure the longevity of your African cichlids.

What Is The Recommended African Cichlids Tank Size?

African Cichlids Tank Size

The recommended tank size for African cichlids depends on the specific species being kept and the number of fish in the aquarium.

In general, these fish are active and territorial fish that require ample swimming space and places to hide, so a larger tank is often better.

As a general guideline, a minimum of 55 gallons (208 litres) is recommended for a community of small to medium-sized African cichlids, while larger or more aggressive species may require even larger aquariums.

For example, some species of haps or peacock cichlids can reach sizes of 12 inches (30 cm) or more and may require a tank of at least 125 gallons (473 litres).

It’s important to keep in mind that overstocking a tank with too many fish can lead to poor water quality and territorial aggression, so it’s important to research the specific species of African cichlids being kept and their space requirements.

Additionally, providing plenty of hiding places, rocks, and other structures in the aquarium can help reduce aggression and provide adequate territory for each fish.

How Many African Cichlids In A 55 Gallon Tank?

The number of African cichlids that can be kept in a 55-gallon tank depends on the size and aggression level of the particular species being kept as well as the individual personalities of the fish.

As a general guideline, a 55-gallon tank can typically accommodate around 10-15 small to medium-sized cichlids.

How Many African Cichlids In A 75 Gallon Tank?

The number of African cichlids that can be kept in a 75-gallon tank depends on the size and aggression level of the particular species being kept.

As a general guideline, a 75-gallon tank can typically accommodate around 15-25 small to medium-sized cichlids or 6-10 larger species.

What Do African Cichlids Eat?

African cichlids are omnivorous fish that have a varied diet in their natural habitat.

In the aquarium, their diet should include a mix of high-quality commercial foods, live or frozen foods and vegetable matter.

Some of the best foods to feed these fish include:

  1. Pellets or flakes specifically formulated for African cichlids

These foods contain a balanced mix of protein, vitamins, and minerals to support the fish’s health and growth.

  1. Frozen or live foods

These cichlids enjoy a variety of live or frozen foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, krill, daphnia and blackworms.

These foods are rich in protein and provide a more natural diet for the fish.

  1. Vegetables

They also enjoy vegetable matter such as spirulina flakes, spinach, lettuce, peas and zucchini.

These foods provide fiber and other essential nutrients that help keep the fish healthy.

It’s important to provide a varied diet for them to ensure that they receive all the nutrients they need to thrive and live long.

Overfeeding should be avoided as it can lead to obesity and poor water quality.

As a general rule, feed the fish only as much as they can consume within 2-3 minutes, once or twice a day.

African Cichlids Behavior and Compatibility

African cichlids are known for their interesting behaviours and social interactions.

Mbuna cichlids are particularly aggressive and territorial, and should only be kept with other mbuna cichlids of similar size and temperament.

Peacock cichlids and haps are generally more peaceful, but can still be aggressive towards smaller fish.

African Cichlids Aquarium Setup

African Cichlids Aquarium Setup

African cichlids require a specific aquarium setup to thrive. The aquarium should be at least 55 gallons, with a pH between 7.8 and 8.6 and a water hardness of 10-20 dGH.

The water temperature should be kept between 75-82°F.

It is important to provide plenty of hiding places and territory for cichlids, especially mbuna.

Rock formations, caves, and driftwood can all be used to create a complex environment for these fish.

The aquarium should also have a sandy substrate, as they like to dig and sift through the substrate for food.

Is There Anything Like South African Cichlids?

There is no such thing as South African cichlids as cichlids are not native to South Africa.

Cichlids are a diverse group of fish that are found primarily in the freshwater lakes and rivers of Africa, Central and South America, and some parts of Asia.

The various species of cichlids have evolved in different regions of the world and have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions.

In Africa, cichlids are found primarily in the Great Lakes of East Africa, such as Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria.

These cichlids are known for their bright colours, diverse patterns, and fascinating behaviours.

In South America, cichlids are found in rivers and streams throughout the continent and are known for their diversity and adaptability.

Some of the most popular South American cichlids include the angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare), discus (Symphysodon spp.) and Oscars (Astronotus ocellatus).

Where Is The Best Place To Buy African Cichlids Online?

There are a number of places where you can buy African cichlids online.

These include:

Conclusion On African Cichlids

African cichlids are a diverse group of fish that are native to the freshwater lakes and rivers of Africa.

They are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colours, interesting behaviours and hardiness in the aquarium.

They come in a wide range of sizes and colours, from the small and colourful dwarf species to the large and majestic Haplochromis and Aulonocara species.

These fish have specific water parameter requirements that should be met for them to thrive in the aquarium, including the pH, temperature, and water hardness.

They also require a varied diet that includes commercial foods, live or frozen foods and vegetable matter.

African cichlids are known for their territorial and aggressive behaviour, so it’s important to research the specific species being kept and provide enough space and hiding places in the aquarium to help reduce aggression.

With proper care and attention, these cichlids can live for many years and provide a fascinating and colourful display in the aquarium.

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