37 Of The Very Best Walt Disney Famous Quotes

 ~Walt Disney Famous Quotes~

  1. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  2. If you can dream it, you can do it.
  3. We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  4. All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.
  5. A man should never neglect his family for business-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  6. The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
  7. Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource – the minds of our children-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  8. It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.
  9. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  10. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.
  11. I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  12. You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.Walt Disney Famous Quotes
  13. I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  14. I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it.
  15. Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  16. I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained.
  17. When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  18. Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.
  19. There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island-Walt Disney Famous Quotes
  20. We believed in our idea – a family park where parents and children could have fun- together.
  21. Laughter is America’s most important export-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  22. Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money.
  23. You reach a point where you don’t work for money-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  24. Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.
  25. When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it’s because he’s so human; and that is the secret of his popularity-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  26. I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous.
  27. Mickey Mouse is, to me, a symbol of independence. He was a means to an end-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  28. All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.
  29. We are not trying to entertain the critics. I’ll take my chances with the public-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  30. There’s nothing funnier than the human animal.
  31. I never called my work an ‘art’. It’s part of show business, the business of building entertainment-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  32. Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal.
  33. Mickey Mouse popped out of my mind onto a drawing pad 20 years ago on a train ride from Manhattan to Hollywood at a time when business fortunes of my brother Roy and myself were at lowest ebb and disaster seemed right around the corner-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  34. I believe in being an innovator.
  35. Disneyland is the star, everything else is in the supporting role-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.
  36. Whenever I go on a ride, I’m always thinking of what’s wrong with the thing and how it can be improved.
  37. People still think of me as a cartoonist, but the only thing I lift a pen or pencil for these days is to sign a contract, a check, or an autograph-Walt Disney Famous Quotes.

 ~Walt Disney Famous Quotes~

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