Ubari Lakes: A Hidden Gem in the Libyan Desert
The Ubari lakes are fed by underground aquifers which nourish date palms and wetland grasses that grow along the shores. The Ubari lakes in the Libyan desert are a group of about 20 saline lakes located in the Fezzan region of southwestern Libya.
They are the only permanent lakes in the Sahara Desert and happen to be a very popular tourist destination.
How Did The Ubari Lakes In The Libyan Desert Form?
It is estimated that about 200,000 years ago, the Ubari sand sea where the Ubari lakes are located was a wet and fertile region with plenty of rainfall and flowing rivers.
The rivers fed a vast lake in the Fezzan basin called Megafezzan which was the size of the Czech Republic.
During humid periods lake Megafezzan reached a maximum size of 120,000 square kilometres.
Climate change led to the drying up of the region between 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. This saw the lake evaporate into thin air.
Traces of the Megafezzan still exist today in the form of micro lakes scattered among the towering dunes.
These micro lakes happen to be the 20 Ubari lakes of the Libyan desert which are spectacular, to say the least.
Stunning Photos Of The Ubari Lakes Libyan Desert
Interesting Facts About Ubari Lakes Libyan Desert
1. The lakes are located in the Ubari desert which is a Libyan section of the Sahara Desert.
2. The area of the Ubari desert has been traditionally inhabited by Tuareg people.
3. According to one of the Libyan diving centres, the depth of the Ubari lakes varies from 7 meters deep (e.g. Gabroun) to 32 meters deep (e.g Ain al-Dibbanah, near Ghadames).
4. The upper section of the lakes is cooler than the deeper sections. The deeper you go the warmer it becomes.
5. Some of the lakes are slowly drying out owing to drought and artificial drainage of their underground feeders.
6. Two of the most popular and scenic Ubari lakes are Gaberoun and Umm al-Maa (known as the Mother of Water).
7. Lake Gaberoun is one of the most beautiful and largest lakes in the great sand sea of Ubari.
It’s beautifully set amidst the magnificent sand dunes with palm trees on one side and the ruins of an old village on the other.
8. Most of the lakes of the Libyan desert are highly carbonated. Swimmers can easily float without exerting much effort.
9. The Ubari lakes are very salty. This is because they are being continuously evaporated and have no rivers to replenish them (Libya has no perennial rivers that persist year-round).
This has led to dissolved minerals in the lake waters becoming concentrated. Some of the lakes are nearly 5 times saltier than seawater.
10. Because of the saline nature of the Ubari lakes, the water is unfit for human consumption.
11. Ubari or Awbari is a Tuareg Berber-speaking oasis town and the capital of the Wadi al Hayaa District, located in the Fezzan region of southwestern Libya.
12. The Ubari lakes are surrounded by native plants that include wetland grasses at the natural spring-fed lakes’ shorelines, and the native Saharan Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
13. Ubari is in the Targa valley, lying between the Messak Sattafat plateau and Idhan Ubari erg sand dunes and lakes.
14. Ubari where the lakes are located happens to be one of the hottest and driest areas in the world.
It has a hot desert climate with short and extremely warm winters, and long very hot summers.
15. Umm al-H’isan (the Mother of the Horse), also spelt as Oum El Hassan, located north of Gaberoun, and at-Tarhouna, about 11km from Umm al-H’isan, are 2 very beautiful lakes in the Ubari region that don’t get much tourist attention.
16. Some of the lakes are home to harmless tiny red shrimp-like creatures that thrive in the shallow waters of the lake.
The Tuareg people usually grind them into a paste to use for making cakes.
This has earned the local inhabitants the name of ‘worm eaters’ (Dawada or Dawwada), and hence the name: Dawada Lakes.
How To Get To The Ubari Lakes Libyan Desert
To access the Ubari lakes in the Libyan desert, tourists have to drive to Sabha and then to Tkerkiba where there is a tourist campsite that is normally used as a home base when exploring the lakes as well as Wadi Matkhandouch.
The tourist camp has a Tuareg shop that sells traditional Berber jewellery and other local crafts.
Last Word on The Ubari Lakes Libyan Desert
The Ubari lakes in the Libyan desert are indeed a hidden gem; a beautiful and unique natural wonder in an area that is otherwise dry, hot and harsh.
They are definitely worth a visit if you ever find yourself in the area.
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