Scopegater’s Goodbye

Short is the time we have known each other and much is what we have done and learnt together within the limited time we have had.I will miss you all each moment of the day. I Love you all dearly.As time passes by,my departure time nears and so I wish to get a chance to spend at least half a day with all of you!It’s painful that i didn’t tell you of my plans earlier but wanted to do this after all the plans were well laid.Am requesting you,my dear readers to spend Thursday afternoon with me (online) since I’m  leaving on Thursday evening.I will miss you all dearly and the love we shared but fate has come along to separate us! I really do appreciate the time we shared and you being a part of Scopegater during the short duration we have known each other. I just wanted to get this off my chest because………I’m leaving…………. for TURKANA!

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  1. Google Images is a search service created by Google and introduced in July 2001, that allows users to search the Web for image content. The keywords for the image search are based on the filename of the image, the link text pointing to the image, and text adjacent to the image. When searching for an image, a thumbnail of each matching image is displayed. When the user clicks on a thumbnail, the image is displayed in a box over the website that it came from. The user can then close the box and browse the website, or view the full-sized image.*-

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