53 of the Very Best Quotes about Motives To Motivate You!

Looking for quotes about motives? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Motives drive every aspect of our lives. It is the reason why we do what we do and act the way we act.

Whether it’s a decision about our career, relationships, or daily routines, motives are always at play.

Understanding our own motives can be challenging at times, but by looking to others for inspiration and guidance, we can gain a better understanding of what drives us.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most inspiring quotes about motives.

These quotes about motives will help you reflect on your own motives and inspire you to make choices that align with your values and aspirations.

So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into these thought-provoking quotes about motives!

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Quotes about Motives from Famous People

1. “A man’s motives are weighed by what he does, not by what he says.” – Harold C. Case

2. “The motive that impels functional activity is called a motive.” – Clark Hull

3. “Motives are the essence of man.” – Sigmund Freud

4. “The motive behind criticism often determines its validity. Those who care criticize where necessary. They do not criticize every word and deed just for the sake of criticizing.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

5. “Our motives are predicated on our hopes and fears.” – Dan Brown

6. “Motives are the explanation of behavior.” – Abraham Maslow

7. “Every action needs to be prompted by a motive” – Leonardo da Vinci

8. “It’s motive alone which gives character to the actions of men” – Jean de la Bruyere

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Anonymous Quotes about Motives

1. “The motive behind an action defines its true essence.”

2. “A strong motive can propel us to achieve greatness.”

3. “The power of a genuine motive knows no bounds.”

4. “Motive is the fuel that ignites the fire within.”

5. “A pure motive can transform ordinary actions into extraordinary achievements.”

6. “The right motive can turn obstacles into stepping stones.”

7. “A noble motive inspires others to join the cause.”

8. “Motive is the foundation upon which success is built.”

9. “True motives are revealed in times of adversity.”

10. “A genuine motive withstands the test of time.”

quotes about motives

11. “A clear motive brings clarity to our actions.”

12. “A positive motive leads to positive outcomes.”

13. “Motive sets the direction for our journey.”

14. “Great achievements are born from great motives.”

15. “Motive is the bridge between dreams and reality.”

16. “A motive rooted in passion is unstoppable.”

17. “The motive behind an action determines its impact.”

18. “A sincere motive attracts like-minded individuals.”

19. “A strong motive can overcome any obstacle.”

20. “Motive provides the inspiration for innovation.”

21. “A genuine motive resonates with the deepest parts of our soul.”

22. “Motive fuels the pursuit of excellence.”

23. “A noble motive creates a ripple effect of positivity.”

24. “A clear motive guides us through uncertainty.”

25. “Motive transforms challenges into opportunities.”

26. “The right motive empowers us to persevere.”

quotes about motives

27. “A pure motive emanates strength and integrity.”

28 “Motive is the compass that guides us towards purpose.”

29. “True motives shine brightest in the darkest moments.”

30. “A genuine motive brings fulfillment beyond measure.”

31. “Motive gives meaning to our endeavors.”

32. “A strong motive carries us through the toughest times.”

33. “The purity of motive determines the magnitude of impact.”

34. “A noble motive inspires others to reach higher.”

35. “Motive is the silent driver of extraordinary achievements.”

36. “A genuine motive sets the stage for personal growth.”

37. “Motive is the cornerstone of success.”

38. “A clear motive eliminates distractions and focuses our energy.”

39. “Motive shapes our character and defines our legacy.”

40. “A pure motive radiates authenticity and attracts greatness.”

41. “Motive bridges the gap between desire and action.”

42. “A genuine motive connects us with our true purpose.”

43. “Motive provides the inspiration for positive change.”

44. “A strong motive instils unwavering determination.”

45. “Motive is the secret ingredient of success.”

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Conclusion On Quotes about Motives

In conclusion, we believe that the quotes about motives shared above have inspired and motivated you in one way or another.

Motives drive us to achieve our goals and aspirations, but we must always ensure they are authentic and align with our values.

As you move forward in your life journey, remember to always assess your motives and ensure they are pure.

We hope these quotes about motives have helped steer you in the right direction towards achieving your dreams.

Keep striving for excellence, stay true to yourself and never give up on your passions.

Together, let’s inspire each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

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