Find Out Miles Teller Height And Weight Here (Verified)

Want to know Miles Teller height and weight? Then rest assured you’ve come to the right place.

We noticed an interest among online users for information such as “Miles Teller height,” “how tall is Miles Teller” and “Miles Teller weight,” so we decided to find out what Miles Teller height and weight are.

Based on our research, Miles Teller height is about 6′ 1″ (6 feet 1 inch) and Miles Teller weight is about 185 lbs (pounds).

Miles Teller Height and Weight Breakdown in Other Measurements

Miles Teller height and weight. How tall is Miles Teller. Miles Teller weight

Miles Teller height in feet and inches is 6′ 1″ (6 feet 1 inch)

Miles Teller height in cm is 185 cm

Miles Teller height in meters is 1.85 meters

Miles Teller weight in pounds is around 185 lbs (pounds)

Miles Teller weight in kg is around 84 kg

Here are some things worth noting regarding how we got Miles Teller height and weight.

Miles Teller Height and Weight: How We Got Miles Teller Height

We got Miles Teller height as 6′ 1″ (185 cm/1.85 meters) from his IMDb profile.

We also cross-checked Miles Teller height with other credible sources, all of which confirmed he was 6′ 1″ (6 feet 1 inch) tall.

Fun fact: Miles Teller height of 6 feet 1 inch is 6 inches taller compared to the average height of adult men in the world, which is approximately 5 feet 7 inches, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Miles Teller Height and Weight: How We Got Miles Teller Weight

We got Miles Teller weight to be 185 lbs (84 kg) from this interview he did on JOE YouTube channel where he talked about his Top Gun: Maverick diet and workout secrets.

In the interview he mentioned and I quote:

“I usually sit around, like, 185 pounds. I got up to about 210 and I think I was, like, 9 percent body fat and then I cut down to 183 about 7 percent body fat for the beach scene.”

It’s good to point out that Miles Teller weight is not constant and may fluctuate due to various factors, including his genetics, age and lifestyle choices such as exercise and diet.

Miles Teller weight can also vary depending on the roles he’s playing in movies e.g. he had to add 25 pounds to shoot the movie Top Gun: Maverick.

On the other hand, Miles Teller height is fixed as he has already attained his full adult height.

Now that you know how we got Miles Teller height and weight, let’s take a look at who he is.

Miles Teller Height and Weight: Who Is He?

Miles Teller is an American actor, born on February 20, 1987.

His breakthrough role came in 2013 when he starred in the critically acclaimed independent film “The Spectacular Now,” for which he received widespread praise for his performance as a high school senior struggling with alcoholism.

The same year, he also appeared in the comedy-drama “21 & Over” and the science fiction film “Divergent.”

Miles Teller height and weight. How tall is Miles Teller, Miles Teller weight

In 2014, Teller starred in the Academy Award-winning film “Whiplash,” playing an ambitious jazz drummer who is pushed to the brink by his demanding teacher.

He followed this up with roles in the comedies “Two Night Stand” and “Get a Job,” as well as the drama “Bleed for This.”

He has also appeared in the war comedy “War Dogs,” the action film “Only the Brave,” and the television series “Too Old to Die Young” and “The Last Man on Earth.”

Miles was also a co-star alongside Tom Cruise in the hit movie Top Gun: Maverick.

We hope we’ve answered your questions on “how tall is Miles Teller”, “Miles Teller height” and “Miles Teller weight”.

Please let us know if there’s any more information you believe should be added to Miles Teller height and weight.

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