Discover Kelly Mcgillis Height And Weight Here

Interested in finding out Kelly Mcgillis height and weight? Then read on because we’ve got the info you’re looking for.

Our team took note of the widespread interest regarding Kelly Mcgillis height and weight, with people searching for phrases like “what is Kelly Mcgillis height,” “how tall is Kelly Mcgillis” and “what is Kelly Mcgillis weight.”

We therefore decided to find out what Kelly Mcgillis height and weight really are.

Based on our research, Kelly Mcgillis height is 5′ 11″ (5 feet 11 inches) and Kelly Mcgillis weight is around 163 lbs.

Kelly Mcgillis Height and Weight Breakdown in Other Measurements

Kelly Mcgillis height and weight. How tall is Kelly Mcgillis. Kelly Mcgillis weight

Kelly Mcgillis height in feet and inches is 5′ 11″ (5 feet 11 inches)

Kelly Mcgillis height in cm is 180 cm

Kelly Mcgillis height in meters is 1.80 meters

Kelly Mcgillis weight in pounds is about 163 lbs (pounds)

Kelly Mcgillis weight in kg is roughly 74 kg

Here are some things worth noting regarding how we got Kelly Mcgillis height and weight.

Kelly Mcgillis Height and Weight: How We Got Kelly Mcgillis Height

We got Kelly Mcgillis height to be 5′ 11″ (180 cm/1.80 meters) from the information listed on her IMDb profile.

We did come across several sources that listed Kelly Mcgillis height to be 5′ 10″ but we decided to go with 5′ 11″ as listed on IMDb given it’s a credible source for celebrity info.

So don’t worry if you come across other sites listing Kelly Mcgillis height to be 5′ 10″.

Fun fact: Kelly Mcgillis height of 5 feet 11 inches is 8 inches taller compared to the average height of adult women in the world which is approximately 5 feet 3 inches.

Kelly Mcgillis Height and Weight: How We Got Kelly Mcgillis Weight

We came across different estimates of Kelly Mcgillis weight while doing our research but decided to go with 163 lbs (74 kg).

A couple of the sources we looked at claimed that Kelly Mcgillis weight is about 139 lbs (63 kg) but upon looking at her current pictures, it was evident to us that this estimate is from her younger years.

As a side note, Kelly McGillis weight can be influenced by a variety of factors including her genetics, hormonal changes, aging, pregnancy and lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise.

This means that Kelly Mcgillis weight at present might be different from what we’ve provided.

In contrast, Kelly Mcgillis height is unlikely to change as she has already attained her adult height.

Now that you know how we obtained Kelly Mcgillis height and weight, let’s take a look at who she is.

Kelly Mcgillis Height and Weight: Who Is She?

Kelly Mcgillis height and weight. How tall is Kelly Mcgillis, Kelly Mcgillis weightKelly McGillis is an American actress best known for her roles in popular movies like “Top Gun” and “Witness.”

She was born on July 9, 1957, in Newport Beach, California, and began her acting career on stage before transitioning to film in the early 1980s.

Her breakout role was as the Amish widow in “Witness,” which earned her a Golden Globe nomination.

She later starred as Tom Cruise’s love interest in “Top Gun,” which became a huge box-office hit.

McGillis continued to act in movies and TV shows throughout the 1990s and 2000s but she also struggled with alcoholism and other personal issues.

Today, McGillis is still active in the entertainment industry and works as an acting teacher in Asheville, North Carolina.

She has also been involved in advocacy for causes such as addiction recovery and domestic violence awareness.

We hope we’ve answered your questions on “how tall is Kelly Mcgillis”, “Kelly Mcgillis height” and “Kelly Mcgillis weight”.

Please let us know if there’s any more information you believe should be added to Kelly Mcgillis height and weight.

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