Find Out Danny Devito Height And Weight Here

Curious to know what Danny Devito height and weight are? Then you’ve landed in the right place.

We saw an interest among users online for queries such as “Danny Devito height,” “how tall is Danny Devito” and “Danny Devito weight,” so we decided to investigate what Danny Devito height and weight are.

Based on our research, we can confirm that Danny Devito height is approximately 4′ 10″ (4 feet 10 inches) and Danny Devito weight is roughly 194 pounds, give or take.

Danny Devito Height and Weight Breakdown in Other Measurements

Danny Devito height and weight. How tall is Danny Devito. Danny Devito weight

Danny Devito height in feet and inches is 4′ 10″ (4 feet 10 inches)

Danny Devito height in cm is 147 cm

Danny Devito height in meters is 1.47 meters

Danny Devito weight in pounds is about 194 lbs (pounds)

Danny Devito weight in kg is around 88 kg

Here are some things worth noting regarding how we got Danny Devito height and weight.

Danny Devito Height and Weight: How We Got Danny Devito Height

We got Danny Devito height as 4′ 10″ (147 cm/1.47 meters) from this post on NPR that lists some of the heights of Hollywood celebrities.

We also verified Danny Devito height with several other credible sources such as Biography, which all confirmed that his height is 4 feet 10 inches (4′ 10″).

Fun fact: Danny Devito height of 4 feet 10 inches is 9 inches shorter compared to the average height of adult men in the world, which is approximately 5 feet 7 inches, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Danny Devito Height and Weight: How We Got Danny Devito Weight

We looked at several credible sources to determine Danny Devito weight and majority of them pointed to the fact that he weighs 194 lbs, or 88 kg if you like.

We therefore decide to use this as the estimate for Danny Devito weight.

It’s important to keep in mind that Danny Devito weight is not constant and can vary due to multiple factors including his genetics, age and lifestyle choices e.g. diet and exercise habits.

Now that you know how we got Danny Devito height and weight, let’s take a look at who he is.

Danny Devito Height and Weight: Who Is He?

Danny Devito height and weight. How tall is Danny Devito, Danny Devito weightDanny DeVito is an American actor, comedian, director, and producer.

He was born on November 17, 1944, in Neptune Township, New Jersey, and began his acting career in the 1970s.

DeVito is perhaps best known for his role as Louie De Palma on the television show “Taxi,” which ran from 1978 to 1983.

In addition to his work on “Taxi,” DeVito has appeared in numerous other films and television shows throughout his career, including “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” “Terms of Endearment,” “Batman Returns,” “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” and “The War of the Roses,” among many others.

DeVito has also worked as a director and producer, and his directorial credits include “Throw Momma from the Train,” “The War of the Roses” and “Matilda.”

He has received numerous awards and nominations for his work in film and television, including a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for his work on “Taxi.”

We hope we’ve answered your questions on “how tall is Danny Devito”, “Danny Devito height” and “Danny Devito weight”.

Please let us know if there’s any more information you believe should be added to Danny Devito height and weight.

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