Get To Know Brad Garrett Height And Weight Here (Verified!)

Curious to know Brad Garrett height and weight? Then rest easy because we’ve got you sorted.

We observed an interest among online users (possibly his fans) for information regarding “Brad Garrett height,” “how tall is Brad Garrett,” and “Brad Garrett weight,” so we decided to find out what Brad Garrett height and weight are.

Based on our findings, we can confirm that Brad Garrett height is roughly 6′ 9″ (6 feet 9 inches), while Brad Garrett weight is estimated to be around 216 lbs (pounds).

Brad Garrett Height and Weight Breakdown in Other Measurements

Brad Garrett height and weight. How tall is Brad Garrett. Brad Garrett weight

Brad Garrett height in feet and inches is 6′ 9″ (6 feet 9 inches)

Brad Garrett height in cm is 206 cm

Brad Garrett height in meters is 2.06 meters

Brad Garrett weight in pounds is around 216 lbs (pounds)

Brad Garrett weight in kg is around 98 kg

Here are some things worth noting regarding how we got Brad Garrett height and weight.

Brad Garrett Height and Weight: How We Got Brad Garrett Height

We got Brad Garrett height to be 6′ 9″ (206 cm/2.06 meters) from his IMDb profile.

To verify the accuracy of IMDb’s estimate of Brad Garrett height, we cross-checked it with a few reputable and reliable sources, all of which confirmed that Brad Garrett height is indeed 6 feet 9 inches.

Fun fact: Brad Garrett height of 6 feet 9 inches is 14 inches taller compared to the average height of adult men in the world, which is approximately 5 feet 7 inches, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Brad Garrett Height and Weight: How We Got Brad Garrett Weight

Our research into Brad Garrett weight, which involved consulting several dependable sources, revealed that he weighs around 216 pounds (98 kg).

It’s important to note that Brad Garrett weight can vary over time due to a variety of factors such as his genetics, age and lifestyle habits, including diet and exercise.

In contrast, Brad Garrett height is unlikely to change since he has already reached adulthood and is not expected to grow any taller.

Now that you know how we got Brad Garrett height and weight, let’s see who he is.

Brad Garrett Height and Weight: Who Is He?

Brad Garrett height and weight. How tall is Brad Garrett, Brad Garrett weightBrad Garrett is an American actor, comedian, and voice actor born on April 14, 1960, in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California.

He is best known for his role as Robert Barone in the hit television series “Everybody Loves Raymond,” for which he won three Primetime Emmy Awards.

Garrett has also lent his voice to numerous animated films and TV shows, including “Finding Nemo,” “Ratatouille,” and “The Amazing World of Gumball.”

In addition to his acting career, he is also an accomplished stand-up comedian and has performed his comedy routines on various TV shows and in live venues.

We hope we’ve answered your questions on “how tall is Brad Garrett”, “Brad Garrett height” and “Brad Garrett weight”.

Please let us know if there’s any additional information you believe should be added to Brad Garrett height and weight.

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