Heaven Sent

I normally don’t pay much attention to fraudsters since I always try my best to stay clear off them but occasionally they find their way into my e-mail account and thanks to Tuesdays spammer we have our specimen for today’s post. She was so “kind” as to send me the below email:
“Did you see my other message about your account? We’ll be forced to lock it in 2 days unless you respond soon”
After reading the first 9 letters, I knew where all this baseless and empty promotion was headed; to my wallet, though I decided to play along the following day as I had better things to do on that day. On Wednesday I sent her a “Hi” and the circuit was now complete as she sent me the following email:

I am really, REALLY sorry… I sent you this email by mistake, I’m not sure how that happened. I feel so stupid. Really hope I didn’t waste a lot of your time..

You know, if you’re interested, Ive been earning really good money with this home income program and theyve just opened up 3 more positions in our area. Basically you earn money by posting links online, it’s very easy and I just do it while watching TV.

Heres the link if you wanna check it out:


I’ve made about $500 a week since I began.. not enough to quit my job yet but I finally have some spare money in my checking account lol. My sister is going to sign up later and these positions usually go fast, so I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t give the link to anyone else.

Thanks alot and again, really sorry about the whole mix up.. (I copied and pasted it exactly as it was, just removed the URL)
Some may think it was a genuine mistake but sorry to burst the naivety bubble and say it wasn’t so. Spammers are mostly marketers who cleverly play around with their victim’s emotions because they recognize that most people’s actions are influenced by their hearts rather than their brains and this is vivid from her “polite apology” at the beginning. The other thing that most marketers use that makes them tons of money is something I’d like to refer to as the “needy syndrome” which happens to be the five letter word everyone out there is looking for you and I included though some are more desperately for it than others; MONEY. They achieve this by introducing to their potential customers a way in which they can easily make a significant amount of money with minimal or sometimes no effort and this is clear from her claim of making at least $500 weekly, just by simply posting links. This is the stage most people fascinate about how $500 can go a long way in helping them cover their daily expenses and she goes ahead to say there are only 3 other positions remaining to get the attention of those who may still be a bit skeptical about the entire idea. So what happens when someone follows the link and desperately registers for the “Heaven sent opportunity?” This is my best part so far, THEY LOOSE THEIR MONEY.
So next time you’re busy rejoicing about the heaven sent money making opportunity, remember that you’re the one being conned by another smatter person on the other side of the screen who is going to get your and other people’s hard earned money.

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