Google AdSense Tips To Help Grow Your Google AdSense Revenue
Last time we looked at How To Make Money With Google AdSense (Part 2) and I finished off by stating I would talk about the best Google AdSense tips which can help AdSense publishers generate more Google AdSense Revenue. I’ll therefore pick it up from there and so today we’ll be looking at some of the most effective strategies which every Google AdSense publisher can (and should) employ to help them increase their overall Google AdSense revenue.
Google AdSense Tips To Help Grow Your Google AdSense Revenue
1. Use recommended ad sizes-From our previous post on How To Make Money With Google AdSense (Part 2), we saw that although there are 20 different AdSense ad sizes, the wider ads tend to perform better and the best performing AdSense Ad sizes to use as reported by Google in order to increase your Google AdSense revenue are:
- The 300×250 also known as a “medium rectangle” and which performs well when embedded within text content or at the end of articles.
- The 336×280 also known as a “large rectangle” and which performs well when embedded within text content or at the end of articles.
- The 728×90 also known as a “leaderboard” and which performs well if placed above main content and on forum sites.
- The 160×600 also known as a “wide skyscraper” and which performs best if used along the sidebars of webpages.
2. To increase your Google AdSense revenue, place your AdSense ads:
- Within the text content or at the end of your articles (Especially in your most viewed posts)
- Above the main content of your site
- Along the sidebars of your site
3. Blend, complement and contrast your various AdSense ads i.e.
- To blend-Make the background and borders of your AdSense ads the same color as the background of your website. If your site has a white background then you can use Google’s pre-designed AdSense default ad style.
- To complement-Use colors that are already present on your site.
- To contrast- Use colors that stand out against the background of your site (This is ONLY recommended for sites with a dark background).
4. Be niche oriented to improve the number of clicks your AdSense ads receive-This is one of the most important Google AdSense tips to implement and this is because when your blog is niche oriented, it’s very likely that Google will in turn display relevant ads on your site. This can significantly increase the number of clicks that your AdSense ads receive which translates into increased Google AdSense revenue.
5. Offer your readers quality information-This is one of the most priceless Google AdSense tips and this is mainly because in addition to being niche oriented, providing your readers with quality information significantly reduces the bounce rate while increasing the rate at which your content is shared online. This in the end results in the increase of your Google AdSense revenue.
6. When creating your AdSense ad codes choose an ad type that displays both text and image/rich media ads-This is one of the most effective Google AdSense tips mainly because:
- Image ads compete in the same auction for your ad space that text ads do so choosing to display both the text and image ads increases the competition for ads to appear on your site and this means more Google AdSense revenue for you.
- Text and image/rich media ads have a wider ad inventory for relevant content.
7. Use AdSense for search i.e. include a search box-This also happens to be one of the other major Google AdSense tips. AdSense for search is a free product that lets you place a Custom Search Engine on your site to provide users with web search and it enables you to earn Google AdSense revenue from relevant ads on the search results page. Google allows you to place up to two AdSense for search boxes (along with three standard AdSense for content ad units and three link units) on each page of your site.
Caution On Using The Above Google AdSense Tips To Help Grow Your Google AdSense Revenue
- NEVER click on your own Google AdSense ads!
- Don’t encourage your family and friends to click on your AdSense ads!
- Don’t buy bogus traffic (or rather bots) which may comprise your Google AdSense account! (We’ll talk about this in our next post)
In conclusion, there are several other Google AdSense tips as well as customizations that you can perform on your AdSense ads to help grow your Google AdSense revenue BUT care should be taken not to infringe on Google AdSense program policies.
In our next post we shall be looking at some of the major Google AdSense rules which every Google AdSense publisher should ensure they adhere to but in the meantime, let us know what you think of “The Best Google AdSense Tips To Help Grow Your AdSense Revenue”; we’d love to hear from you!