Get Paid Doing Other People’s Homework

I woke up recalling how when back in school, it was a bit ironical how whenever a teacher seemed to come to the end of a his/her class, they would pretend to be leaving the classroom and just when you were busy packing your books, they would drop the bombshell “Now class, be sure to read through chapter 23 and answer all the questions in exercise 23.1, 23.2, (Then they would flip through the pages of their teachers manual, pause for a minute or two then say) till the end of that chapter, I shall collect all your exercise books tomorrow for marking, failure to which you’ll be bonding with a suitable punishment”- And that’s how an afternoon and evening well planned for would slowly fade away.

Now, I don’t know about the rest of you but for me, the mere mention of “Homework” never used to excite me at all because I knew it would eat up a good chunk of my time that may have otherwise been used “doing something else constructive”. I wasn’t one of those front sitters who would eagerly await for the next day to show the teacher how well and precise my homework or any other class work had been done with a proud look on the face; no ladies and gentlemen, mine was a sort of a scenario best described as “Survival for the fittest”, doing it if it’s the only last resort.

So, looking back all those years ago, did you know that you can benefit from doing other people’s homework and I don’t mean the usual “Scratch my back I scratch yours” or “I’ll give you my lunch tomorrow?” You can literally GET PAID DOING OTHER PEOPLE’S HOMEWORK!

There’s a website called Student of Fortune that lets students pay others for doing their homework. Here’s its screenshot


Student Of Fortune Home Page
Student Of Fortune Home Page

The primary function of the site is to:

  1. Provide a channel for students to submit their work to be completed by others for a certain fee.
  2. Provide a channel for people to get paid doing students homework.

Instead of a tab called “Have Your Homework Done”, Student of Fortune has instead adopted a “Get Tutoring” tab which I must say takes out a bit of guilt from the entire process.

So what’s some of the good news of Student of Fortune?

  • Well, for starters, it’s completely free to register/ become a member.
  • You choose a subject of your preference e.g. “Tutor” students in-Mathematics, Biology, Business, Economics, Law, Computer Science, General Questions, Religious Studies, Healthcare, Astronomy, Chemistry, Communication, Art, Gender studies, Engineering, Education, Geography, Geology, Linguistics, Music, Physics, Political Science, Psychology and the list goes on and on. Believe me, it’s a long long list.

The pay for every assignment depends on the nature of the subject plus the question itself. The price can however range anywhere from $1-$100 or over. (See the screenshot below)


Student Fortune
Student Fortune

So there you have it, my only advice for those who never liked doing their homework (and I’m not pointing fingers) would be to start getting used to it because you can GET PAID DOING OTHER PEOPLE’S HOMEWORK as early as today.


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