Hit Two Birds With One Stone Using The Empower Network Blog
There has been a fairly new MLM network (Multi-Level-Marketing) present for the past couple of months called Empower Network that has attracted both praise and criticism from different MLM experts around the world and today I’ll lay it down for you how you can use Empower Network to not only earn a passive income but to also improve the visibility of your primary business online-You get to Hit Two Birds With One Stone!
For those of you who have no idea about what Empower Network is all about, I’d first advise you to take a look at THIS ARTICLE so that we can be at par in our discussion though I have to say that the Empower Network program is a cleverly thought of idea since instead of just giving you products to sell, they have gone ahead and given you everything you’ll possibly need to convert leads into sales, all you have to do is one very simple thing->>DRIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR EMPOWER NETWORK BLOG<<- and this is accomplished by simply blogging daily.In this post, we shall be focusing on the Empower Network blog which is provided at a fee of $25 per month and how you can use it to your advantage and Hit Two Birds With One Stone.
How To Hit Two Birds With One Stone Using The Empower Network Blog
I know by now some of you might be asking what’s so special about the Empower Network blog and to answer this, let me give you its Alexa ranking: Alexa Traffic Rank-488 Traffic Rank In US-210 Sites Linking In-35,495 (The above Alexa ranking is as of Wednesday 17th October 2012) I’m pretty sure a good number of you know what the above information says concerning the blog but for those who still haven’t got it, let me explain it.
Why The Empower Network Blog Is So Important
We’ve just seen that the Empower Network blog is ranked highly by Alexa and this is as a result of the massive traffic it receives (a couple of million visits per day) and what this means is that when you write an article on your Empower Network blog, you’ve got a very high chance of ranking on the first page of Google, Bing, Yahoo and the other major search engines for the keyword you used in your article.
If for example you’ve got a bakery and you’re not satisfied with the traffic your bakery blog is generating per day then you can get your hands on an Empower Network Blog (The hosting is done for you) and either transfer your bakery articles to your Empower Network blog or write new articles about your bakery business on your Empower Network blog.
The result should be felt in roughly 3-6 days (This is highly dependent on whether you’ve properly optimized your articles but don’t worry, your Empower Network blog comes with SEO Pressor-A plugin that shows you how to optimize you content and grades your work so you’ll know whether your article is OK or needs some improvement). Afterwards, you’ll start receiving quite a bit of traffic for the keywords you used in your article and guess what->THIS TRAFFIC WILL BUY YOUR CAKES! (Remember we gave the example of a bakery) And it’ll get even better when you’re on page 1 of Google, Yahoo, Bing and the other major search engines.
The above is just one of the ways of how the Empower Network blog can help you increase the sales of your primary business (which ever it may be) but if you feel you want to increase your income streams, you can upgrade to become an affiliate (Just paying the monthly fee of $25 doesn’t make you an affiliate, you become an affiliate when you activate your e-wallet which is present in your back office) and this is how you Hit Two Birds With One Stone using the Empower Network blog.
Being an Empower Network Affiliate
When you activate your e-wallet, you automatically become an Empower Network affiliate and this means that instead of only getting sales from people who are interested in your primary business, you also get to receive a passive commission if they choose to also get an Empower Network blog.
How Does This Work?
If you take a look at my Empower Network Blog HERE , you’ll see that is has banners, three to be precise (Top, Right and Bottom) and if you click on any one of them, you’ll notice that they all have my Empower Network user ID (bn4) so if anyone decides to get into the program via my blog, I get their $25 on a monthly basis (This is the passive income I was talking about).
If I get just one sale, I break even meaning the blog is sustaining itself and if I get a couple of sales, I make a profit-That’s how great the system is! So if the baker in our previous example decides to only use his/her Empower Network blog to promote his/her business i.e. does not activate his/her e-wallet, they will still get lots of customers to their bakery business and this results in an increase in sales but if they want to capitalize on their Empower Network blog and become an affiliate, then they will get a 100% Commission for the $25 monthly fee that will be paid by anyone who decides to get in.