5 Main Factors That Affect Business Environment-Must Read!

The factors that affect business environment refers to those factors which affect the way a business runs its operations and they consists of external factors i.e. those which the business might not have direct control over e.g. infrastructure, and internal factors i.e. those which the business has some control over e.g. finances.

5 Internal Factors That Affect Business You Ought To know

Today we’ll be looking at the internal factors that affect business and what entrepreneurs can do to ensure that these factors don’t negatively impact on their businesses. The cool thing about the internal factors that affect business is that entrepreneurs have the power to manage them and this is unlike the external factors affecting business…

The 7 Main External Factors Affecting Business

The 7 Main External Factors Affecting Business

The external factors affecting business are those factors which a business doesn’t have much control over but which still affect the way entrepreneurs run their businesses. They happen to be factors which influence whether a business will run smoothly and profitably or whether it’ll encounter unnecessary problems when carrying out its operations. Today we’ll be…